Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: #FBI-FBI: Recommendation: Align the audio analysis of shots at the Trump Rally Shooting with the NYTimes photo of the supposed bullet

The News And Times Blog

Align the audio analysis of shots at the Trump Rally Shooting with the NYTimes photo of the supposed bullet

Recommendation to FBI – 7:41 AM 8/4/2024: 

Align the audio analysis of shots at the Trump Rally Shooting with the NYTimes photo of the supposed bullet or possibly the paintball pellet trace by using the time markers as the common joints. This combined audio-visual piece of data should give you the information on which shot was captured on the photo, and when. 

Also, which shots affected Comperatory and the two wounded persons? Similarly combined data should help to answer these questions. 


Paintball's a blast in New Sewickley

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

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