Trump Shooting Investigations

@mikenov: Durov’s arrest is the Russian move …

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Durov’s arrest is the Russian move …

Trump Shooting Investigations

My opinion: Telegram and Durov were and remain under the control of FSB and GRU. Durov’s arrest looks like it is the Russian move …

My opinion
Telegram and Durov were and remain under the control of FSB and GRU. Durov’s arrest looks like it is the Russian move, with the aim to limit CIA recruitment on Telegram in exchange of them limiting or stopping terrorist acts (mass killings, etc.) in US and globally. Putin tries to make up with the West and to pacify it. By meeting with Beslan mothers recently, Putin likely signalled that his 20 years old revenge campaign is completed. Shall we expect the reduction in the number of mass killings?
The second part of this operation may possibly be the October Surprise 2024: the massive release of the damaging (for Democrats?) information under the guise and pretext of the Telegram’s decryption or change of rules. It could be something similar to release of Hillary Clinton’s emails in 2016, with the similar games played by Netanyahu and his Mossad.

Russia’s floods and fires are the result of the intelligence collection by CIA on Telegram – Google Search

TELEGRAM, as both the Secret Communications Service AND the CRYPTO-Bank, is the ideal meeting place for criminal transactions, including the professional recruitment, training and preparations, AND Payments in Crypto. All the records can be erased, without a trace; when and if needed. Very likely, it is used by the FSB, Spetsnaz GRU, and others to sponsor various terrorist acts, including the mass and school shootings. It becomes just a question of money. Did TM Crooks have a crypto account on Telegram, and was he paid for his actions?

TELEGRAM is the Secret Communications Service AND the CRYPTO-Bank – Google Search

The News And Times Blog

My opinion: Telegram and Durov were and remain under the control of FSB and GRU. Durov’s arrest looks like it is the Russian move …

My opinion
Telegram and Durov were and remain under the control of FSB and GRU. Durov’s arrest looks like it is the Russian move, with the aim to limit CIA recruitment on Telegram in exchange of them limiting or stopping terrorist acts (mass killings, etc.) in US and globally. Putin tries to make up with the West and to pacify it. By meeting with Beslan mothers recently, Putin likely signalled that his 20 years old revenge campaign is completed. Shall we expect the reduction in the number of mass killings?
The second part of this operation may possibly be the October Surprise 2024: the massive release of the damaging (for Democrats?) information under the guise and pretext of the Telegram’s decryption or change of rules. It could be something similar to release of Hillary Clinton’s emails in 2016, with the similar games played by Netanyahu and his Mossad.

Russia’s floods and fires are the result of the intelligence collection by CIA on Telegram – Google Search

TELEGRAM, as both the Secret Communications Service AND the CRYPTO-Bank, is the ideal meeting place for criminal transactions, including the professional recruitment, training and preparations, AND Payments in Crypto. All the records can be erased, without a trace; when and if needed. Very likely, it is used by the FSB, Spetsnaz GRU, and others to sponsor various terrorist acts, including the mass and school shootings. It becomes just a question of money. Did TM Crooks have a crypto account on Telegram, and was he paid for his actions?

TELEGRAM is the Secret Communications Service AND the CRYPTO-Bank – Google Search

News Review

@Reuters: Retirement not an option for French veteran in Venice

News Review

@nytimes: There’s something of an arms race going on in the coffee world. From the giant Starbucks to upstarts like Scooter’s Coffee in Nebraska, the battle is joined for who can come up with the craziest, calorie-laden, not-really-coffee drink.

Trump Shooting Investigations

@mikenov: The Games Mossad (and its FSB & GRU friends) play#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Trump #TrumpNews#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus…

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: The Games Mossad (and its FSB & GRU friends) play#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Trump #TrumpNews#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus…

Putin and October 7 Attack on Israel

Biden says Netanyahu not doing enough to seal hostage deal amid ‘take it or leave it’ Israel-Hamas ceasefire talks – The Independent

Biden says Netanyahu not doing enough to seal hostage deal amid ‘take it or leave it’ Israel-Hamas ceasefire talks  The Independent

Putin and October 7 Attack on Israel

Biden says Netanyahu not doing enough to seal hostage deal amid ceasefire talks – The Independent

Biden says Netanyahu not doing enough to seal hostage deal amid ceasefire talks  The Independent